How to use logmein rescue mobile
How to use logmein rescue mobile

how to use logmein rescue mobile

Alternative subscription models describe non-standard ways that Services may be used, provisioned or billed. User or Unit means, individually or collectively, NAU, NAAU, and/or NAC.Īlternative Subscription Models.A Named User ID must be unique and may not be of a generic nature (e.g., is a unique Named User ID whereas or are examples of generic user identifiers). Named User ID means the unique identifier of each designated individual or NAC authorized to use the Services.Named Authorized Computers, or NACs means designated host computers, whether physical or virtual machines, that may be accessed in accordance with the GoToMyPC Service.

how to use logmein rescue mobile how to use logmein rescue mobile how to use logmein rescue mobile

Designated individuals may include, by way of example, employees, contractors, consultants and agents or third parties with whom you transact business as designated by an Administrator. Each NAU or NAAU must have a Named User ID. Named Authorized User, NAU, Named Authorized Audio User, NAAU means those designated individuals who may access and use the Services in accordance with the Agreement.Content means any files, documents, recordings, and other information belonging to you, users or others as may be uploaded to your account for storage and/or as used, presented or shared with third parties in connection with the Service.Administration Center means a portal for Administrators that provides end-user and account-management tools, and a centralized control for administration and deployment of the Service.Administrator means an individual you designate (or by default, the authorized signatory of the Agreement) who manages the Administration Center including, but not limited to, designating any NAU.For any conflict between these Service Descriptions and the terms in any other component of the Agreement, the terms below control for the applicable Service only. All terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement. Should we suspect that any User information is not accurate, current or complete, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your or your User’s usage of the Services.ĭefinitions. We reserve the right to review your usage, in our sole discretion, determine if you are exceeding the appropriate Use Levels, and, subject to applicable law:: (i) suspend your access to the Services (ii) terminate the Service and/or (iii) invoice you for actual usage. The Customer Administrator may reassign a reasonable number of Users, NACs, or Concurrent Seats, from time to time, and following any reassignment the previously designated User, NACs, or Concurrent Seat shall no longer be entitled to access the Service without incurring additional Fees. Each User must have a unique Named User ID that may not be shared among Users. You are responsible for designating and managing your Users and their use of the Services in accordance with the Agreement and the Use Levels set forth in the Order and/or the Service Descriptions. Use Levels means the model by which we measure, price and offer the Services as set forth on the applicable price list, Order, and/or Service Description. GoTo Services are provided by the appropriate GoTo Contracting Entities as set forth here. Except as otherwise set forth in the Terms of Service or the Regional Supplement, your continued access to and use of the Services will indicate your acceptance of the then-current Terms of Service.


Unless prohibited by applicable law, we reserve the right to update these Service Descriptions from time to time without notice to you. These Service Descriptions, together with the applicable Order, the Terms of Service available at:, and, if applicable, the Regional Supplement available at, form the “Agreement” applicable to the Services to which you have subscribed. Back to Legal Service Descriptions for GoTo Services

How to use logmein rescue mobile